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2012 Results

UK Bus Driver of the Year Competition
National Final Results 2012

Bus Driver of the Year 2012

The Coventry Trophy

The GreenRoad Award

The Unite - The Union Trophy

The John Boxall Medallion

Paul Jarvis
National Express West Midlands


The Compak Trophy

The RMT Union Trophy

The Motor Transport Trophy

Michael Leech
First Yorkshire West & North

Third Place

The Volvo Cup

The Best Impressions Trophy

The CBW Cup

Daniel Wilton
Stagecoach Manchester

Fourth Place

The Optare Trophy

The GoSkills Cup

Andrew Evered
First Bristol, Somerset & Avon

Fifth Place

The Scania Trophy

The McKenna Shield

Gordon Cutting
Stagecoach Oxfordshire

Best Competitor from a depot in England
The Giles Fearnley Shield

Paul Jarvis
National Express West Midlands

Best Competitor from a depot in Scotland
The Kathleen Stark Memorial Shield

Ian Sayer-Field
Stagecoach East Scotland

Best Competitor from a depot in Wales
The Donald Macdonald Memorial Shield

Peter Mascall
First Cymru

Best Highway Code Test Result
The FwT Shield

Gordon Cutting
Stagecoach Oxfordshire

Best Driver CPC Knowledge Test Result
The Impact Training Solutions Shield

James Staggs
Go-Ahead London

Highest-placed competitor from an ALBUM member
The ALBUM Trophy

Scott Crosbie
Lothian Buses

Highest-placed competitor from an independent company
The Passenger Focus Cup

Jason Dalladas
Yellow Buses Bournemouth

Highest-placed Arriva competitor
The Arriva Trophy

Second-highest-placed Arriva competitor
The Arriva Shield

Raymond Black
Arriva North East

Tomasz Gierebka
Arriva London

Highest-placed FirstGroup competitor
The FirstGroup Trophy

Second-highest-placed FirstGroup competitor
The FirstGroup Shield

Michael Leech
First Yorkshire West & North

Andrew Evered
First Bristol, Somerset & Avon

Highest-placed Go-Ahead Group competitor
The Go-Ahead Trophy

Second-highest-placed Go-Ahead Group competitor
The Go-Ahead Shield

Vernon McLellan

Rosie Cullen

Highest-placed London Buses competitor
The London Buses Cup

Second-highest-placed London Buses competitor
The London Buses Shield

Vernon McLellan

Tomasz Gierebka
Arriva London

Highest-placed National Express competitor
The National Express Trophy

Second-highest-placed National Express competitor
The National Express Plaque

Paul Jarvis
National Express West Midlands

Andrew O'Loughlin
National Express West Midlands

Highest-placed Stagecoach competitor
The Stagecoach Trophy

Second-highest-placed Stagecoach competitor
The Stagecoach Shield

Daniel Wilton
Stagecoach Manchester

Gordon Cutting
Stagecoach Oxfordshire

Youngest National Finalist
The Mistral Group Shield

Matthew King
National Express Coventry

Oldest National Finalist
The Gordon Asbury Memorial Cup

David Ward
First South Yorkshire

Competitor in most consecutive National Finals
The Dawson Rentals Shield

Steven McLeod
Lothian Buses

Best Newcomer
The Ticketer Shield

Daniel Wilton
Stagecoach Manchester

Company Award
The Brian Evans Memorial Trophy
Donated by Tangerine Training

National Express West Midlands

The Vice-President's Cup

Best-presented bus in use at the National Final


Stagecoach in Fife